Publications for Sale
Please note that prices are exclusive of GST and postage.
40 Ideas for a Better Franchise – $21.74 40 Ideas for a Better Franchise contains examples of important elements for successful franchising. In 60 pages, the 40 best practices traverse franchise system leadership, structure, processes (including field visits) and governance. The book will be of most benefit to franchisors, including would-be franchisors. It should also interest franchisees and advisors. The books is authored by Dr Callum Floyd, an experienced New Zealand franchising consultant backed by years of franchising research, including a Masters (1st Class Honors) and PhD researching franchising. | |
Improving Field Visits – $83.95 In this book Greg Nathan puts the franchise field visit under the spotlight and shows how to improve the effectiveness of this crucial link between franchisors and franchisees. Backed up by years of research and study of real-world franchise businesses, Greg explores the impact that field visits have on your franchise network. Through real life examples of what works and what doesn’t, the book develops a series of models of how to structure field visits, including the specialist and general model and a six-step process to improve your field visits. This is a valuable handbook for both franchise executives and field managers. It identifies the eight specific functions of the field manager and explains how to properly support field managers so they don’t just survive, but thrive in their job. |
Please contact Lexi to place your order.