Benefits to FANZ Membership


Better franchising. Enhance your position.

Members of  FANZ demonstrate, and benefit from, a commitment to best practice in franchising.

All FANZ members are required to adhere to important franchising standards set out in the Association’s Rules and Code of Practice and Ethics.

Key examples for franchisor members include:

  • Providing a detailed Disclosure Document for prospective franchisees
  • Providing a seven (7) day cooling off period
  • A commitment to best practice franchising
  • Requiring complaints and dispute resolution processes that protect the interest of franchisees

FANZ members also join for a range of other reasons; perhaps foremost is the opportunity to learn and network with other leaders and members within the franchising community.

Benefits of Membership


FANZ membership is a sign of credibility. Only FANZ members can identify themselves with the FANZ member logo. This identifies you as a member committed to best practice in franchising and allows you to benefit from the Association’s ‘Look for this sign before you sign’ campaign.

Members receive the logo for inclusion on their website, letterheads, business cards, brochures, disclosure documents, advertisements and other appropriate material. Other member representation provided by the Association includes:

  • A Membership Certificate for framing and display at your offices
  • Promotion of members only to public inquiries to the Association’s office
  • Promotion of members on FANZ’s website linked to a complimentary standard directory listing on Franchise New Zealand

FANZ is the peak body for the franchise community in New Zealand. FANZ maintains relationships with Government and its agencies to share information and make representations, including any issues involved with new or existing legislation.

Members play an important role in, influencing and adding weight to the voice of the Association when discussing franchising issues with government representatives.

The National Franchise Conference is New Zealand’s franchising marquee event, typically attracting large numbers of member attendees and speakers. The conference is held over two days and is packed with numerous keynotes, workshops, round table learning opportunities, and networking functions. An annual must-attend event for anyone with an interest in franchising.

Discounted rates for FANZ members advertised at the time of registration.

Only FANZ members are eligible to enter the prestigious Westpac New Zealand Franchise Awards.

There are categories for both Franchisors, Franchisees, Field Managers, plus a Service Provider category. Awards entry criteria are launched in the second quarter each year and the celebration is held in the last quarter of the year. The Westpac New Zealand Franchise awards are keenly contested and all members are encouraged to enter.

Success in these Awards not only enhances your reputation, but also provides an excellent way to have your business independently reviewed.


FANZ holds breakfast and evening functions, featuring guest speakers and networking opportunities. People in franchising tend to be friendly and are very open about their experiences. Find out the next event near you.

Discounted rates for FANZ members advertised at the time of registration.

FANZ keeps members updated with regular newsletters on topical issues and events relating to franchising and Association business.

FANZ provides a collective voice to the media to help ensure that franchising is properly promoted and its image is enhanced. FANZ is also a member of the World Franchise Council and the Asia Pacific Franchise Confederation where it maintains a two-way flow of communication about issues around the world for the benefit of members.

FANZ has many opportunities for sponsorship across a range of events and levels. Members are first to hear of the opportunities and are encouraged to participate as a way to promote their expertise and services.

The following businesses have provided exclusive member offers for FANZ Members and their franchisees:

  • Bunnings Trade
  • Citation HR
  • Mobil
  • Gallagher Insurance
  • MYOB

For more information on how to access these offers, please log into the Members Area.

" The awards gives us an opportunity to put forward some of our top performing franchisees, giving them the well-deserved opportunity to be recognised and awarded on a national level. "

SCOTT JENYNS, CEO (2014-2022)

Aramex NZ (formerly Fastway Couriers)

" Knowing that FANZ have a strong and proactive advocacy approach to legislation that may affect their members is a significant member benefit. SKiDS recommends other franchise systems to also join FANZ – if we want FANZ to have a strong voice when advocating with Government then we need to have a strong and diverse membership body to back them up. "



" The education that FANZ provides is invaluable. I have attended as many seminars and conferences as I can to identify and address areas where I can improve. "

DAVID PEARSE, Managing Director

Pukeko Rental Managers

" Whether a new or an established franchising business, we highly recommend joining FANZ. Not only do they guide you around the complexities of operating a franchised system, the backing of specialist advisors and a knowledgeable franchising community offer ongoing guidance to those looking to grow a successful franchise with strong and secure foundations. "

SCOTT JENYNS, CEO (2014-2022)

Aramex NZ (formerly Fastway Couriers)

" The association provides a voice for the many franchise systems in New Zealand to ensure any legislative changes that could have an impact on franchising are made through the right government channels. The association has done an exceptional job here over the years. "

SCOTT JENYNS, CEO (2014-2022)

Aramex NZ (formerly Fastway Couriers)

" When recruiting new franchisees, we explain that we are focused on best practice and they must seek advice from professionals as per the FANZ Code of Practice. It enhances our credibility. "


Paramount Services Ltd

" Credibility and networking with other franchisors is incredibly valuable. The franchise sector is very supportive and there is significant sharing of ideas and information – more so than any other association or environments I have been involved with. "


Paramount Services Ltd

" We joined, and continue to be a member of FANZ, because it represents what’s good and right about franchising; it’s ethical, credible and has integrity. As members, we voluntarily adhere to the FANZ Codes and Rules. "

IAN ROBERTSON, General Manager


" Recruitment is a large part of our business and making sure potential franchisees are aware of our affiliation with FANZ helps authenticate our company. This relationship reassures any potential franchisees that we are part of a larger franchising regulatory body that ensures we adhere to a strict set of codes and rules. "

SCOTT JENYNS, CEO (2014-2022)

Aramex NZ (formerly Fastway Couriers)

" It is hugely important to have representation for franchising. Individual systems do not have the resource to do this on their own so to have a body acting on your behalf is great. FANZ have a strong board and base of legal members who have a real strength in this area. "


Paramount Services Ltd

" I am proud to be a member of FANZ. It means any potential franchisee can have confidence they are entering a credible franchise system that acts with integrity and fairness, and complies with the FANZ codes of Ethics and Conduct "

IAN ROBERTSON, General Manager


" We tell prospective franchisees that we are proud members of FANZ and we encourage them to do the free on-line pre-entry training that is available through FANZ. "



" It is extremely important that FANZ represents us in government. Who else will advocate for franchises in New Zealand? We need Government to know about the good work that is being done to assist people into successful businesses. "

DAVID PEARSE, Managing Director

Pukeko Rental Managers

" Realising you are not alone in the world of franchising and knowing any situations you find yourself in, other members probably have been there too and therefore can advise on their experience and outcomes "


Rodney Wayne

" I have personally found the conferences to be a highlight of my year. What I have learned and the knowledge sharing has been of tremendous value. "

DAVID PEARSE, Managing Director

Pukeko Rental Managers

" Being a franchisor / General Manager can be lonely and it’s not always human nature to share stories of hard times, failure or struggles. However, when you’re connected to a group of like-minded business people who have travelled a similar path, you’ll find yourself supported & encouraged. "

JON HASSALL, Chief Operating Officer

Cafe Brands Limited

" It is important for franchises to come under the umbrella of the Franchise Association and see it as an investment to succeed in franchising. Otherwise you stand alone, without the continuing support and education that you need to build your business. "

DAVID PEARSE, Managing Director

Pukeko Rental Managers

" Being members ensures we keep up to date with relevant issues and changes, and ensures we are aligned with Best Practice in Franchising. The NZ franchising community is very collegial and supportive. Franchisors are amazingly willing to share their knowledge with each other. "



" With employment, safety and food safety legislation ever increasing, I feel that FANZ working alongside the government is a hugely important part of the association’s role. "

JON HASSALL, Chief Operating Officer

Cafe Brands Limited

" We find the awards particularly useful for inspiring staff and franchisees and usually take a large group to the awards evening. The celebration of achievement is a real boost to morale. And of course it is a great achievement for our business to receive recognition. "


Paramount Services Ltd

" Attending the annual conference allows us to meet and discuss issues, challenges and successes with industry peers and get some fantastic insights into the franchising sector in general. "

SCOTT JENYNS, CEO (2014-2022)

Aramex NZ (formerly Fastway Couriers)

" It was a complete surprise that we ended up winning the Supreme Franchise System of the Year. This has been a huge boost to us and we are currently processing Franchise enquiries at a level I never thought possible. "

DAVID PEARSE, Managing Director

Pukeko Rental Managers

" “We have won several FANZ awards. The process of entering forces you to look at your business in a very analytical way that perhaps you would otherwise not take the time to do. "



" Relationship building has been one of the most significant member benefits for me and the businesses I have managed. FANZ members are willing to share information, experience, knowledge and support. It’s like being in an extended family. "

IAN ROBERTSON, General Manager


" Amongst other initiatives, our FANZ Board has a clear focus on building and strengthening the relationship between FANZ and the Government. I believe it is incredibly important that Government agencies see FANZ as the ‘go-to’ body for any legislative changes that may impact franchising. "

IAN ROBERTSON, General Manager


" The FANZ conference is incredibly informative and a great place to improve your knowledge about franchising. One of the other key benefits is having so many franchisors in one place at one time means it’s a great venue for networking and relationship building. "

IAN ROBERTSON, General Manager


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