Deborah is an Auckland barrister with over 40 years experience in dispute resolution.
Her mediation/facilitation work is a diverse mix of commercial, property, construction, insurance, franchise, local government, family (wills, trusts and estates and relationship property), sports and employment disputes. She has conducted numerous franchise mediations and is very familiar with the particular issues that arise in franchise disputes.
Deborah taught Mediation and Dispute Resolution at Auckland University Law School for 10 years and is on a number of mediation panels including the Weathertight Homes Resolution Service, Domain Names Commission , Sport and Recreation Complaints Mediation Service, and the NZ Claims Resolution Service panel.
She was an Invited Fellow of the International Academy of Mediators until 2016, is a Fellow, Disciplinary Tribunal and Mediation Panel member of AMINZ and an Advanced Panel and previous Board member of the Resolution Institute.
Location availability: Deborah can attend mediations anywhere in New Zealand.
Online Mediations: Yes.